We’ve invested millions of dollars to make
our practice exams a perfect-match to the real MCAT.
We’ve done this by:
Item Difficulty Match
Altius exams feature exactly the same distribution of easy, medium and diffcult questions as AAMC materials.
Word Count Match
Altius passages have exactly the same average, minimum, and maximum word count as AAMC passages.
Question Blueprint Match
Altius exams use the exact same question blueprints as the AAMC and at the same frequencies.
Figure Match
Altius exams use the exact same number and type of figures as AAMC materials.
Formatting Match
Altius passages use the exact same font, figure labels, and detailed formatting as the AAMC passages.
Topics Match
Altius passages test topics in accordance with the exact same survey used by the AAMC to determine its distribution of topics.
Standardization Match
Altius exams are standardized using the exact same statistical methodology use by the AAMC.
MCAT-2015 Match
Other prep companies are repurposing old MCAT passages and questions into MCAT-2015 materials. 100% of the questions and passages in the Altius Perfect-Match MCAT-2015 Practice Exams were made de novo, specially for MCAT-2015.